our world class service management capability recognized
Orange Business has just been awarded three new key ISO certificates for our Major Service Center in Delhi, India, and major extensions to its management systems internationally. These awards recognize the quality of our management system globally.
The following new or extended ISO Management Systems certifications have been awarded:
- ISO 20000, Service Management, based on our global processes and governance model, is extended to our Large Projects organization globally and to several new processes and services, including Enterprise Telephony and Field Operations.
- ISO 9001, Quality Management, extended to Business Mobile (France) and our Cairo Major Service Center.
- ISO 27001, Security Management, extended to IT Services Operations
The entities below received specific certification awards:
- Orange Business Switzerland: a double ISO certification award of ISO 9001 and ISO 20000 in recognition of its quality and service management capabilities
- our Delhi Major Service Center: a triple ISO certification award of ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27001 in recognition of its overall operational excellence
The recent ISO 20000 standard, adopts the ISO 9001 management principles and ITIL best practices, and is the global standard for service management systems. All existing certifications were also re-confirmed and the auditors highlighted several strengths and improvements in our management system including senior management commitment right through to our customer teams, customer relationship management (especially through our Swiss User Group), and the highly disciplined approach of our security management system.
“It is not just about compliance and certification but about building a culture where every one works towards operational excellence for our customers through an attitude of continual improvement in all spheres,” said Sandeep Murgai, Head of our Delhi Major Service Center.
Together with our ISO 15408 Common Criteria security certification and renewed SAS 70 and AUP audits, Orange Business offers highly compliant global processes and services.
About Orange
Orange is the key brand of France Telecom, one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators. With 126 million customers, the Orange brand now covers Internet, television and mobile services in the majority of countries where the Group operates. At the end of 2008, France Telecom had consolidated sales of 53.5 billion euros (38.1 billion euros for the first nine months of 2009) and at Sept. 30, 2009, the Group had a customer base of 190 million customers in 32 countries. These include 128.8 million mobile customers and 13.4 million broadband Internet (ADSL) customers worldwide. Orange is the number three mobile operator and the number two provider of broadband Internet services in Europe and, under the brand Orange Business, is one of the world leaders in providing telecommunications services to multinational companies.
The Group's strategy, which is characterized by a strong focus on innovation, convergence and effective cost management, aims to establish Orange as an integrated operator and benchmark for new telecommunications services in Europe. Today the Group remains focused on its core activities as a network operator, while working to develop its position in new growth activities. To meet customer expectations, the Group strives to provide products and services that are simple and user-friendly, while maintaining a sustainable and responsible business model that can be adapted to the requirements of a fast-paced and changing eco-system.
France Telecom (NYSE:FTE) is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment A) and on the New York Stock Exchange.
For more information: www.orange.com, www.francetelecom.com, www.orange-business.com
Orange and any other Orange product or service names included in this material are trade marks of Orange Personal
Communications Services Limited, Orange France or France Telecom.
editor’s note
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards. ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 163 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that is a non-governmental organization forming a bridge between the public and private sectors.