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Amerigo Global Parts

Amerigo migrates to a single cloud: maximum security objectives

  • Data migration to the AWS cloud with the support of Orange Business experts
  • Improved performance and resilience through enhanced security of the company's e-commerce platform
  • With the AWS cloud, Amerigo Global Parts is looking to the future with confidence and is anchored in a strategy of innovation and growth
Témoignage Amerigo

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Reinforcing the security of the B2B e-commerce platform

For over 50 years, French SME Amerigo Global Parts has been selling spare parts for the automotive market in 70 countries. Some of the purchases are made online via a B2B platform. It is essential that the platform remains operational to guarantee the profitability of the model. For several years, the company had been hosting its data with several different providers. But one event turned everything upside down: one of Amerigo Global Parts' hosts was a victim of a cyberattack. “The thought of being hacked was very unsettling for the company,” says Silvana Valenzuela, Amerigo Global Parts Purchasing Manager. So much so that a migration to a single secure cloud appeared to be the obvious solution for securing the business.


Better protection against cyber attacks
Be supported by experts to manage the infrastructure
Secure the company's operations in the long term

Migrating to a single cloud has become essential for achieving daily peace of mind.

Orange Business experts help you master the AWS cloud

Like more than a million customers in over 245 countries, Amerigo Global Parts chose the leading cloud platform, AWS, a global partner of Orange Business. This partnership has enabled us to support the French SME's migration, transformation, and cybersecurity challenges.

"Migration to AWS has resulted in support and services that have won over Amerigo's IT department. What convinced me about the Orange Business proposal was the contribution it made in terms of maintenance and resistance to faults,” explains Jérôme Cambray, IT Manager at Amerigo Global Parts. This enabled us to be much more confident in the maintenance of our IS, and in the management of updates, deployments, and integration processes. The Orange Business managed services team guarantees this part, ensuring that the experts take care of updates, security and deployment. The result: efficiency and time savings.

Focusing on innovation and growth for SMEs

By opting for AWS, Amerigo Global Parts has secured its operations and looks to the future with greater peace of mind. And it doesn't intend to stop there! The AWS cloud has clearly taken the SME into another dimension. “We'll be able to set up an integration chain to industrialize our processes further and improve our productivity,” notes Jérôme Cambray. Another objective in sight is the launch of a new business model that commercializes data from its B2B platform. “As long as the data was not perfectly secure, it was not possible to market the platform,” says Silvana Valenzuela. Today, nothing stands in the way of breaking new ground.

What customers say about us

Silvana Valenzuela – Purchasing Manager at Amerigo Global Parts

“Today, the single cloud gives us much greater security. Throughout the project, Orange Business was able to give us peace of mind, reassure us and bring us to a level of security that we didn't have beforehand.”

Amerigo Global Parts

Since 1972, Amerigo has been France's leading exporter of spare parts for the automotive market. The group offers parts from carmakers and original equipment manufacturers (OE) and exports to over 70 countries.