Technical guide

Predict the unpredictable

Evolving maintenance from condition-based to predictive – using prescriptive analytics

Optimize your maintenance and operations strategies with our latest advice sheet on OT integration.

Learn how prescriptive analytics can help you predict the unpredictable, anticipate downtime, reduce overhauls and optimize maintenance planning. Discover the benefits of moving from reactive and preventive maintenance to predictive approaches, leveraging AI/ML models and high-quality data.

Our advice sheet provides insights around:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Move from reactive and preventive maintenance to predictive approaches
  • Prescriptive Analytics: Leverage AI/ML models for actionable insights and accurate predictions
  • Operational Efficiency: Reduce downtime, optimize maintenance planning, and lower costs
  • Sustainability Benefits: Enhance energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions
  • Comprehensive Strategy: Ensure robust IT/OT integration for better asset performance management

Take advantage of the expertise provided by Orange Business to enhance your maintenance and operations strategies. Our team of global experts is here to support your journey towards a more efficient, sustainable and smart factory.

Download this advice sheet now and start transforming your operations.