Trust at the heart of our business model

Outsourcing data hosting is a crucial decision for any organization. This is especially true for organizations operating in sensitive sectors with stringent security and compliance requirements. At Orange Business, we provide support tailored to data criticality.

Granularity: the key word in trust operations

Each industry and organization has its own data security needs. While "standard" approaches work for the least demanding organizations, they are insufficient as soon as the level of requirement rises. This is particularly relevant in the defense, banking, healthcare and strategic sectors. Their activities are subject to a strict regulatory framework that is constantly evolving, not least because of the increase in cyber risk and the critical need for resilient infrastructures. These requirements may include, for example, hosting data in data centers located in the European Union or the need to employ authorized personnel.

We build an environment of trust for each customer, tailored specifically to the level of criticality of their data, by analyzing their risks and identifying their regulatory requirements and their security and availability needs. Our extensive expertise in the data value chain, which stems from our unique positioning as integrator, network operator and cloud provider, enables us to offer this high level of granularity.

Four key assets

Orange Business leverages four key strengths to deliver trusted operations:

  • Infrastructure capabilities that are unique in Europe: solid, secure, fixed and mobile connectivity; data centers located in France and operated by a French supplier, thus not subject to extraterritorial laws; the ability to place servers in an ultra-secure "bunker" environment with biometrically controlled access; data encryption capabilities, etc.
  • Dedicated teams: each of our experts is trained to master the security requirements of the sector in which they will be operating. Orange Business brings together within a single organization all the skills needed to operate in the customer's context, with teams trained in connectivity, cloud and cybersecurity, guaranteeing expertise and responsiveness
  • Orange strength in cybersecurity: the ability to involve the expert teams of Orange Cyberdefense, Europe's leading provider of cybersecurity services, to respond to any threat issue
  • Worldwide presence in 65 countries: this network allows us to understand the specific needs and constraints of each of our customers. The network is reflected at a local level in France, with teams operating in each region

Keeping you informed

To maintain trust over time, an organization must be informed at all times of the status of their data. Orange Business keeps its customers informed in real time with customized reports that combine information on service resilience and cyber risk management. This involves communicating updates to systems, their compliance with risks and the availability of infrastructure/data; reporting on threats and attacks suffered and countered by cybersecurity solutions; and even new employee authorizations and compliance with changes in the various regulatory frameworks, etc.

This combination of assets enables us to support our customers, regardless of the criticality of their data, in building the trusted digital environment they need for business continuity and growth.

A secure cockpit for the most challenging requirements

Some customers in France face especially stringent requirements in data management. This is particularly true of the defense sector, the French government and emergency services (police, ambulance, emergency, etc.). For these situations, we have created a "secure cockpit" of 250 employees – covering all job roles – capable of implementing all Orange Business network and IT solutions in terms of resilience and security. Rigorous security procedures have been implemented, including, among others, biometric access control, encryption of all exchanges, specially trained employees and a unique multiservice capability to intervene at every stage of the data journey.