Orange Business is rated "Strong" in GlobalData "Product Assessment Report - Data Center and Cloud Services"

Date:  1 November 2017
Analyst: John Marcus


According to GlobalData, Orange has sharpened its focus on opportunities for integrating, orchestrating and managing hybrid cloud resources, including third-party public cloud services. Messaging is now based on “Managed Multi-cloud” and “Best of Cloud” propositions.

GlobalData Data Center and Cloud Services

Key strengths:

  • Flexible range: Well-branded Flexible IT and Flexible Computing services offer a range of public, hybrid and private IaaS/PaaS offers across two key cloud management environments: VMware and OpenStack
  • Cloud connectivity: Orange Business was ahead of the market with innovative cloud connectivity solutions, using networking know-how to enhance access to applications in the cloud. It has kept pace with new advances, such as its planned Riverbed SteelConnect integration for SD-WAN
  • Service focus: Orange Business has invested heavily in professional and managed services across cloud operations, legacy systems migration, application management and consulting (from design to security). This supports new messaging focusing on “Managed Multi-cloud” and “Best of Cloud” solutions

"Orange Business is rated “Strong” in GlobalData Data Center and Cloud Services report.
"Our ambition is to become the hybrid cloud service provider, where IaaS is indeed part of our value proposition though not restricted to it.
"We aim to provide customers with the suitable infrastructure and services to enable their digital transformation by migrating their applications to the cloud or enabling the development of their Cloud Native Applications.
"Our value add will be focused on overall layer of services on top of IaaS and not only on IaaS itself."
Cedric Parent
Director Marketing & Development Orange Cloud for Business
Orange Business

Cedric Parent

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