Large organizations typically have to manage multivendor mobile services along with multi-OS and multipurpose fleets of mobile devices. Numerous new devices, new service types and the Internet of Things (IoT) have added further complexity to enterprise mobility. And while mobility provides big benefits for employees and companies in terms of productivity and collaboration, it simultaneously adds to the burden of already-understaffed IT teams.
Without the right software-enabled technology and automated processes in place, enterprise mobility can be extremely difficult, and costly, to manage. Many organizations are turning to process automation to help them manage the complexity, reduce costs and to improve the end-user experience.
Considering process automation
Process automation lets you digitize and out-task the day-to-day management of your mobile fleets across your entire enterprise. Specifically, it enables you to improve workflows for incidents and requests, reduce costs, streamline operations and improve end-user experience. However not all processes benefit from automation, so enterprises need to consider which ones to address to drive productivity and ROI. You also have to consider scalability, since your workforce and the number of mobile devices in your enterprise may grow. Regulation is a factor, too – you can’t automate a process tied to regulation, because it may change.
There are other operational, financial and security challenges involved in process automation. Disparate device tracking systems is a common challenge. The sheer number of devices across a company makes invoice management and cost allocation complex. Lack of visibility and reporting due to different reporting formats and data sources makes keeping on top of usage, roaming fees and inventory difficult.
Ultimately, process automation is a huge undertaking and one that you might be better off outsourcing to a specialist partner.
MSI and process automation
Orange Business is a trusted MSI partner to some of the world’s most notable multinational companies. With our MSI approach, we provide our customers with visibility and control for building a unified vision of the end-to-end performance of their IT landscapes. Our MSI framework significantly reduces the complexities of “supplier sprawl” associated with enterprise IT services, such as SD-WAN and SDN solutions, but also for enterprise mobility.
On an operational level, the timely and coordinated management of requests and incidents within an organization is paramount to ensuring that productivity and end-user satisfaction remain high. An MSI partner such as Orange Business can digitize and consolidate processes onto a single platform and manage complex mobility process automation issues on your behalf and across all your vendors, just as we do for other IT services used within the enterprise.
Daniel Bigagli, Director, Enterprise Services Business Unit and MSI Program Sponsor, Orange Business
The automation of workflows associated with incidents and requests reduces manual errors, speeds up resolution times and provides a global dashboard of all activity. This enables your mobile workforce and IT support to have a single point of contact for all issues relating to their mobile services.
It is important to remember that there is much more to enterprise mobility than “just” mobile handsets and voice and data subscriptions. There is a vast back office of mobile IT processes and infrastructure to manage, all of which contributes to a company’s mobility total cost of ownership (TCO). Engaging an MSI partner to implement and handle process automation for you can help you begin making life easier.
Gartner Peer Review for Orange Managed Mobility Services
"OBS [Orange Business] Managed Mobility is well worth a consideration": "OBS provided support on our International mobility solution needs across multiple countries to understand and help us source the correct level of engagement. They are true int. player and have the skills to understand our needs from a mobility perspective"
An MSI partner provides you with an end-to-end solution to better manage your automated processes for incident and request management. You get a single process for managing requests, incidents and orders, and dashboards and reports give you a comprehensive view of all your mobile IT services. Centralized requests enable cost optimization.
ITSM eBonding enhances the benefits of process automation
An MSI partner will link, or e-Bond, your ITSM platform with its own. This enables seamless integration between your enterprise IT environment, the MSI partner and the various mobile operators your enterprise has contracts with.
As a result, enterprises can enjoy improved process efficiencies by virtue of having one process to follow for incident and request management, irrespective of mobile operator or provider. Your MSI partner manages the complexity of the multiple processes you need to follow with numerous providers and operators.
Enterprises also benefit from improved service quality in overall operational efficiency, improved process flows and enhanced end-to-end delivery. Further, you can free up IT staff from handling daily requests and managing incidents to focus on higher-value tasks that contribute to the bottom line.
According to Forrester, using automation-enabled IT service management (ITSM) can realize $3 million in savings by reduced human error alone.
Total Economic Impact of ServiceNow
Transforming mobility process automation with MSI
As mentioned previously, Orange proposes Multisourcing Service Integration for Mobility, an extensive suite of service integration solutions for centrally managing enterprise mobility. The service portfolio includes Incident & Request Management, Cost Management, Contract Management and Unified Endpoint Management, which are all accompanied by Expert Consulting and Support. Customers are free to select the services they need the most help with.
One Orange MSI customer, a large global retailer with 88,000 employees worldwide, is benefiting from the transformation of its enterprise mobility. The company’s staff used a wide range of mobile devices, which was difficult to manage and not conducive to good communication between employees or customers. Orange was engaged as MSI partner and provided value-add ITSM e-Bonding for incident and request management, integrating the customer’s ITSM with the new Orange ServiceNow ITSM platform, which has been specially adapted for out-tasking and managing the mobile services of large enterprise customers. Process automation via ITSM e-Bonding is supported by the Orange Global Mobility Service Desk as a single point of contact. The engagement is designed to give the customer streamlined internal processes, greater visibility, reduced costs and an enhanced degree of mobility and user experience for its workforce.
Orange is committed to easing customers’ burdens via our MSI proposition. We take on the role of service integrator and provide a single point of responsibility for all the services and technologies you need from multiple vendors. Our methodology is carrier- and supplier-agnostic, and we believe service integration is as applicable to enterprise mobility as any other IT service. As your MSI partner, we can give you unified governance, reporting and SLAs that provide peace of mind, accountability and trust, leaving you free to focus on running your business.
Learn more about Orange Multisourcing Service Integration for Mobility.
This article was co-written by Pascale Presle, Head of MSI for Mobility and Customer Solutions and Ibrahim Daher, Director of Enterprise Services at Orange Business.

I'm a self-confessed news junkie who began my digital existence in the pre-GUI era. I thoroughly enjoy thoughtful, critical analysis of current events. When not scanning the horizon for new blog articles on mobile connectivity, 5G and IoT, I manage the communications activities for the International Mobility Services business unit within Orange Business, both in France and internationally.