How to manage your complex IT landscape with observability and AIOps

IT infrastructures provide greater flexibility, agility and collaborative capabilities, accelerating innovation. However, the trade-off is that it creates distributed and complex environments, making management, security and optimization a major challenge for IT teams. New developments in observability and artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) hold the answer to giving them more control.

Traditional approaches to ITOps are no longer sufficient to deal with the vast amounts of data that infrastructures today produce. Important information often gets lost in all the unnecessary data, causing long periods of system downtime and leading to a user experience that does not match expectations.

To help solve these issues, IT teams are increasingly turning to observability platforms that ingest and analyze data from multiple sources in real time to provide an in-depth view of a system’s health and spotlight any potential issues. Now, AIOps allows them to cut through the noise and automatically identify system anomalies that may not be easily distinguishable in visualizations.

While observability leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to lay the foundation for enhanced visibility, AIOps utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to drive actionable insights and self-remediation.

Boosting business outcomes

AIOps and observability bring significant business benefits by accelerating troubleshooting and enhancing the responsiveness and effectiveness of IT operations. Your strategy must align with specific business goals and provide tangible value. Set realistic milestones on your roadmap and ensure adaptability is built in to deal with rapid technological change and business requirements. Identify and prioritize the most important use cases that will provide a return on investment the fastest.

Using AIOps with observability insights complements one and other by providing advanced analytics, automation and intelligence to manage IT operations proactively. In addition, the actual value of AIOps increases with the wealth of data that can be observed and analyzed. Having an approach that integrates with an enterprise’s existing toolset and data sources is paramount. Only then can the proper best practices be identified to handle today’s dynamic infrastructures.

AIOps and observability are shaping the future

AIOps and observability, together, can quickly make a major impact on business, driving predictability, reducing complexity and enhancing productivity. At the same time, it gets you one step closer to that holy grail – fully autonomous, self-healing, self-managing operations that eliminate human error.

AIOps and observability hold enormous potential for revolutionizing IT operations and optimizing business processes. If you are not already on that journey, now is the time to start or quickly find yourself lagging behind the competition.

Orange Business and its partner Splunk bring consultancy, interoperability, data integration, migration, overall design, DevOps and lifecycle management skills together with management models that will enable enterprises to achieve the benefits that the observability and AIOps journey offers.

To learn more about observability and AIOps, download our ebook: How observability can bring value to your business.

Patrick Pax
Patrick Pax

As Director of Digital Solutions for Orange Business in Europe, Patrick and his team are pioneering digital transformation strategies for major enterprises, developing advanced digital solutions that enhance enterprise operations and leveraging AIOps and IT observability to provide comprehensive oversight and smarter, data-driven decision-making. He uses a visionary approach to integrate technical innovation with practical business applications to bolster operational performance and agility.